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2020 Zoonoses Animal & Feed Report

20 December, 2023

Zoonoses in animals

Brucella in animals

Sampling Strategy Sample Stage Animal Total no. of animals tested Samples Positive % Positive
Suspect Private Cattle 1689 0 0
Sheep 7 0 0

Campylobacter in animals

Sampling Strategy Sample Stage Animal Total no. of animals tested Samples Positive % Positive
Suspect Private Calves <1 yr 1165 131 11.2
Cattle 25 3 12.0
Dogs 7 0 0.0
Exotic (not specified) 3 0 0.0
Fattening pigs 43 2 4.7
Goats 5 0 0.0
Horses 2 0 0.0
Sheep 492 18 3.7

Coxiella in animals

Sampling Strategy Sample Stage Animal Total no. of animals tested Samples Positive % Positive
Suspect Private Cattle 400 46 11.5
Goats 9 0 0.0
Sheep 124 0 0.0

Listeria monocytogenes in animals

Sampling Strategy Sample Stage Animal Total no. of animals tested Samples Positive % Positive
Suspect Private Alpaca 1 1 100.0
Cattle 4779 57 1.2
Dairy cows 443 1 0.2
Sheep 1264 17 1.3

Mycobacterium in animals

Sampling Strategy Sample Stage Animal Total no. of animals tested Samples Positive % Positive
Suspect Private Alpaca 35 23 65.7
Avian cormorant 1 0 0.0
Badgers 407 172 42.3
Canine 1 0 0.0
Deer 87 17 19.5
Feline 3 1 33.3
Fox 48 0 0.0
Goats 4 0 0.0
Other 1 0 0.0
Pigs 30 15 50.0
Sheep 2 0 0.0
Tortoise 1 0 0.0

Salmonella in animals

Sampling Strategy Sample Stage Animal Total no. of animals tested Samples Positive % Positive
Census Industry Broiler breeder flocks 220 2 0.9
Broilers before slaughter 3478 7 0.2
Laying hens 370 4 1.1
Turkey breeders 4 0 0.0
Turkey fatteners 450 12 2.7
Official Broiler breeder flocks 220 0 0.0
Laying hens 323 1 0.3
Turkey breeders 4 0 0.0
Official and industry Broiler breeder flocks 220 2 0.9
Broilers before slaughter 3478 7 0.2
Laying hens 370 5 1.4
Turkey breeders 4 0 0.0
Turkey fatteners 450 12 2.7
Objective Official Broilers before slaughter 110 0 0.0
Turkey fatteners 56 0 0.0
Suspect Private Aborted calves 1737 101 5.8
Adult cattle 238 2 0.8
Barn owl 1 0 0.0
Broiler 36 0 0.0
Buzzard 1 0 0.0
Calves <1 yr 1006 8 0.8
Canine 10 0 0.0
Cervine 2 0 0.0
Chaffinch 1 0 0.0
Duck 18 0 0.0
Equine 8 0 0.0
Exotic (not specified) 19 1 5.3
Fattening pigs 94 23 24.5
Goats 28 1 3.6
Lagomorph 9 0 0.0
Pheasant 5 0 0.0
Pigeon 2 0 0.0
Sheep 686 20 2.9




Toxoplasma in animals

Sampling Strategy Sample Stage Animal Total no. of animals tested Samples Positive % Positive
Suspect Private Cattle 45 5 11.1
Mink (wild) 6 5 83.3
Sheep 650 183 28.2
Solipeds 1 0 0.0

Trichinella in animals

Animal Tested Positive % Positive
Breeding pigs 192 0 0
Breeding pigs - boars 781 0 0
Breeding pigs - sows 89536 0 0
Fattening pigs 3455432 0 0
Horses 2307 0 0

Yersinia in animals

Sampling Strategy Sample Stage Animal Total no. of animals tested Samples Positive % Positive
Suspect Private Cats 6 0 0.0
Cattle 4779 4 0.1
Dogs 67 0 0.0
Goats 48 0 0.0
Lagomorph 23 0 0.0
Pheasant 1 1 100.0
Pigs 477 0 0.0
Poultry 391 1 0.3
Sheep 1262 1 0.1
Solipeds 33 0 0.0


Zoonoses in feedstuffs

Salmonella in animal feed materials

Type of feed material Tested Positive % Positive
Feed material for land animals 89 0 0
Feed material of cereal grain origin 135 0 0
Feed material of land animal origin 3 0 0
Feed material of marine animal origin 4 0 0
Feed material of oil seed or fruit origin 59 0 0
Other feed material 31 0 0