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Specific hygiene requirements

Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 lays down specific hygiene requirements that must be implemented by food businesses handling food of animal origin at all stages of the food chain. These requirements as set out in Annex III Section I of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 supplement the requirements laid down in Regulation (EC) 852/2004 apply to unprocessed and processed products of animal origin. This Annex sets out the specific requirements that apply to meat of domestic ungulates (i.e., domestic bovine (including Bubalus and Bison species), porcine, ovine and caprine animals, and domestic solipeds). Fresh Meat is defined as "meat that has not undergone any preserving process other than chilling, freezing or quick-freezing, including meat that is vacuum-wrapped or wrapped in a controlled atmosphere".

Annex III, Section 1 is divided into a number of Chapters:

Chapter I - Transport of live animals to the slaughterhouse
Chapter II - Requirements for slaughterhouses
Chapter III - Requirements for cutting plants
Chapter IV - Slaughter hygiene
Chapter V - Hygiene during cutting and boning
Chapter VI - Emergency slaughter outside the slaughterhouse
Chapter VII - Storage and Transport

Regulation (EC) 853/2004 requires that FBOs place products of animal origin on the market only if they have been prepared and handled exclusively in establishments:

  • that meet the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004, those of Annexes II and III of Regulation (EC) 853/2004 and other relevant requirements of food law; and
  • that the competent authority has registered or, where required 'approved' the food business.