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FSAI Board Meeting Minutes 28th March 2023


  • Ms. Ann Horan (AH) (Interim Chair)
  • Mr Patrick Knight (PK) 
  • Ms Mary Cullen (MC) 
  • Prof Martin Cormican (P. MC) 
  • Dr Cliodhna Foley-Nolan (CFN) 
  • Mr Gerard McCurdy (GMcC)
  • Prof Francis Butler (FB)  
  • Ms Lisa Manselli (LM)

In attendance:

  • Dr Pamela Byrne (PB), Chief Executive 
  • Mr Kevin Roantree (KR), Board Secretary
  • Mr Joe McQuaid (JMcQ) Finance Manager (for Item 7)


  •  Ms Eilis O’Brien (EOB)

The Interim Chair, Ms Ann Horan, opened the meeting by welcoming all present and giving an overview of the agenda and the key priorities for the meeting.  She advised that the planned presentation on Board Effectiveness from Navigo had been postponed due to the unavailability of Brendan Lenihan, of Navigo.

1. Disclosure of Interests 

FB and P.MC disclosed potential conflicts of interest related to applications for research funding.  This was noted by the Board and it was agreed that they would exclude themselves from any discussion which might be relevant to these external interests. 

2. Minutes of the last meeting: 7th February 2023 

The Board requested two amendments including (1) to specify the nature of the stated declaration of interest and (2) to capture the action pertaining to the blended working evaluation mechanism on the actions list.

3. Matters Arising 

The Board noted the Actions list. It was requested that the list be amended to include a Target Completion Date (TCD)

Action: Amend actions list to include TCD

4. CEO Report

It was agreed that the CEO Report should be taken as read and Board members were invited to raise queries or seek clarifications. The format of the CEO Report was complemented in that the information provided was appropriate, in line with the requirements of the Board and facilitated constructive discussion.

The Board raised a number of queries/comments and discussions were had on the following matters:

  • The Board noted the current legal cases as outlined in the report and requested a future presentation on the FSAI’s approach to legal cases to include an update on the current open cases.  
  • The Board queried as to the possible risk to public health associated with the food safety and integrity updates and sought to better understand the nature of these risks. PB provided an update to the Board. 
  • It was queried as to the approach to the proposed audits and those which included notification in advance to the FBO. PB provided the Board with an update on these matters.
  • The work on the official Languages Act was welcomed and it was requested that the FSAI plan to achieve more than compliance with the legislation.
  • There was a detailed discussion on the upcoming Periodic Critical Review (PCR).  The Board requested that they be represented on the working group and stated that they would wish to contribute to the terms of reference and the completion of the review. It was discussed that given the extensive overlap between the PCR and the analysis phase of the strategy development process that it would be important to get the alignment correct.  The focus of the PCR should be on how best to achieve the FSAI’s mission.
  • There was discussion regarding the various issues involving the presence of Salmonella - PB provided an update on the work being done in this area including the utilisation of targeted programmes to address the risks associated with Salmonella.
  • The Board had a discussion on the Windsor Framework update and the issues it was presenting for food safety and the FSAI. PB provided an update on how the FSAI are managing the uncertainty and advised that there is a dedicated team focusing on engaging with the Department of Health and stakeholders on this matter.

Action:   Do a presentation to the Board at a future meeting on the FSAI’s approach to legal cases.

5. Enforcement Orders

The list of recent Enforcement Orders were noted.

6. Board Updates

6.1    Draft Business Plan 2023

PB, on the invitation of the Chair, outlined the process for developing the draft Business Plan and the assumptions which underpinned it.  She advised that the recently received Letter of Allocation specified a funding allocation consistent with the assumptions in the plan.  It was noted that the plan was ambitious and stretching and that there would be a number of risks and challenges to its delivery which would have to be carefully managed.

It was commented that some of the proposed amendments to the Executive Summary, as referenced at the December Board meeting, had not been fully incorporated.  PB agreed to review these comments, amend the Executive Summary as appropriate, and circulate to AH and PK for review.  It was noted that the Business Plan development process continued to be refined and improved upon and there was a request to ensure that the ‘action’ statement for the deliverables was appropriate. In addition, there was a request to seek to highlight the “business as usual” and Project/Change activities in future plans.

The Board approved the Business Plan 2023, subject to agreed changes to the Executive Summary.

Action: PB to amend the Executive Summary and circulate to AH and PK for review

The Board took a short coffee break.

6.2    People/HR Update

The Board discussed the importance of having an appropriate and robust mechanism for evaluating the Blended Working pilot.  Board members welcomed the proposal to outsource this review.

In response to a query, PB clarified that the FSAI had yet to receive feedback from the Department of Health on the Strategic Workforce Plan. PB outlined how the FSAI was utilising available funding to address skill and capacity gaps in the organisation yet this continued to be challenge given the difficult external labour market and the recruitment capacity of the internal HR team. It was clarified that the Business Plan 2023 had been developed with the assumption that procured resources would be acquired and/or retained in support of its successful delivery.

6.3    LAVS

The LAVS paper was commended and taken as read. It was commented that the uncertainty around the future of the LAVS service is a cause of concern.  It was discussed as to which aspects are under the control of the FSAI and which were not. It was agreed that it was appropriate to complete another review of the options to ensure the continuity, and quality, of the LAVS services and that the focus should remain clearly on the protection of public health. The Board requested that such a review, and a further update on the LAVS service, be provided for the next Board meeting.

The Board discussed the importance of there being a ‘standard of service’ against which reviews or audits could be consistently applied. It was agreed that it was vital to continue to engage with the DoH on this matter.  The Board expressed that they feel it is that it was important to ensure that the identified actions be completed as soon as possible to ensure the continuity, and quality of LAVS services.

Action: LAVS update paper, and BH attendance, requested for the next Board meeting

6.4    Risks and Opportunities Register (ROR)

The Board noted the ROR. It was queried as to whether it would be possible to also capture emerging corporate risks. It was commented that the ROR framework and Risk Appetite would be reviewed as part of an early stage in the next strategy development process. Given time constraints it was agreed that Board members would provide feedback by email to KR after the meeting

Action: Board members to provide feedback to KR on the ROR.

Mr Joe McQuaid, FSAI Finance Manager, joined the meeting

7. Finance Update

7.1 Financial Summary Report
7.2 Draft Annual Financial Statements (incl SIC)

The Board queried a number of aspects of the financial summary report and the AFS - KR and JMcQ responded to these queries. It was agreed that MC would provide recommended feedback on notes 16 and 17 of the AFS. The Board asked that work continue on seeking to ensure that financial reporting to the Board be accurate and robust but also accessible to those with a non-financial background.

Action: MC to provide feedback on two notes in the AFS.

7.3 Draft Letter of Representation

The Board noted and approved the letter.

8. Board Committee Updates

8.1 ARC
8.2 ARC Report

The ARC Chair, GMcC, provided the Board with an update from the recent ARC meeting. He advised that the members of the ARC had expressed concern with the delays in addressing outstanding business continuity internal audit actions and that an update was requested for the next ARC meeting. It was outlined that two Internal Audit Reports, Governance and Internal Financial Controls, had been reviewed and that these contained no significant findings. The Board noted the ARC Report.

The Board then considered, and determined they were satisfied, with the effectiveness of internal controls based upon discussions and the evidence provided to the ARC and the Board.

8.3 AOB 

The Scientific Committee Chair, P. MC, updated the Board that a SC report would be presented at the next Board meeting for its review and consideration for publishing.

9. AOB

 No items

FSAI Board Actions: March 2023



Date Raised




Month / Year


Recruitment and Retirement Process: FSAI Executive to review and revert to the Board on actions taken

Feb 22



Sept 23


Contact Navigo to determine if EOB and LM should be interviewed as part of the effectiveness review

Feb 23





Revert to the Board with a strategy development plan

Feb 23



May 23


Send communication to the DoH seeking formal sanction to extend the current strategy

Feb 23





MC and KR to discuss Finance report

Feb 23





An update on the Blended Working evaluation mechanism, including reviewing performance and contribution, to be provided to the Board at a future meeting

Feb 23



May 23


Amend actions list to include TCD

Mar 23



May 23


Provide the Board with a presentation on the current open legal cases

Mar 23



Jun 23


PB to amend the Business Plan Executive Summary and circulate to AH and PK for review

Mar 23



May 23


LAVS Update paper, and BH attendance, requested for the next Board meeting

Mar 23



May 23


Board members to provide feedback to KR on the ROR.

Mar 23



Apr 23


MC to provide feedback on two notes in the AFS.

Mar 23



Apr 23

To Note: Actions raised by the Board will be placed into the Actions table and remain there until completed (or removed by request of the Chair). Once an action is completed it will be marked as such for one meeting prior to being removed.