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Developments in Ireland

Mandatory Fortification of Bread on the Irish Market

In 2004, the Minister for Health and Children set up a National Committee on Folic Acid Food Fortification. The Committee was tasked with reviewing options for the fortification of foods with folic acid in view of the relatively high level of neural tube defects (NTDs) in Ireland. As part of the work of this Committee, a public consultation was conducted on possible options for the fortification of foods with folic acid. This consultation finished on 24th June 2005. Following analysis of all submissions, the Committee made a policy recommendation to the Minister for Health on 18th July, 2006. The Committee recommended the mandatory fortification with folic acid of most white, brown and wholemeal breads on sale in Ireland. ‘Report of the National Committee for Folic Acid Food Fortification'.

Following this report, the Minister for Health and Children set up an Implementation Group to move the recommendations forward from the National Committee on Folic Acid Food Fortification. The role of the Implementation Group is to oversee the operational issues associated with a policy of mandatory fortification of bread on the Irish market.