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Transitional measures

Foods which were placed on the market or labelled prior to 13 December, 2014 and which are compliant with the previous rules (i.e., Directive 2000/13/EC) but which do not comply with the requirements of the Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 (FIC) may be marketed until the stocks of the foods are exhausted.

Therefore for a period of time after the 13 December 2014, prepacked products particularly those with a long shelf life which were labelled prior to 13 December 2014 in accordance with the previous rules will be offered for sale. 

Nutrition information

Foods placed on the market or labelled prior to 13 December, 2014 which comply with Directive 90/496/EEC on nutrition labelling for foodstuffs but which do not comply with the nutrition declaration of the current rules i.e., Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 (FIC) may be marketed until the stocks of the foods are exhausted.

Since 13 December 2014 foods which provide nutrition information whether on a voluntary basis or because a nutrition or health claim is made on the product, must provide nutrition information in accordance with FIC.

The provision of nutrition information became mandatory for most foods on the 13 December 2016. Foods which are placed on the market or labelled prior to 13 December 2016, which do not comply with the requirement to provide a nutrition declaration as set out in Article 9(1)(l) of FIC may be marketed until the stocks of food are exhausted.