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Importing Food Contact Materials

Food contact materials are anything that can be in contact with food. This includes food packaging, cutlery, straws, chopping boards, conveyor belts and other machinery used to manufacture food.

Food contact materials with import control requirements

  • Polyamide and melamine kitchenware from China and Hong Kong
  • Polycarbonate infant feeding bottles containing Bisphenol A

Polyamide and melamine kitchenware from China

Importers of polyamide or melamine kitchenware from China or Hong Kong are required to comply with the restrictions in Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2011.

This Regulation lays down specific conditions and detailed procedures for their import into the EU.

Importers must provide:

  • a declaration of compliance (DoC), and
  • specific laboratory reports
  • to ensure the safety of the polyamide and melamine kitchenware.

These must be sent 48 hours in advance.

Environmental health officers at the port will carry out import controls on these food contact materials which includes:

  • a documentary check on all consignments
  • identity and physical checks, including laboratory analysis, on 10 % of consignments

Polycarbonate infant feeding bottles containing Bisphenol A

There is a ban on the importation of infant feeding bottles containing the substance Bisphenol A (BPA).

A Declaration of Compliance (DoC) is required at import to certify that the infant feeding bottle does not contain Bisphenol A. This requirement applies to imports of infant feeding bottles into the EU from all countries.

Declaration of Compliance (DoC)

DoCs are required for the following food contact materials:

  • Plastics
  • Recycled plastics
  • Ceramics
  • Food containing materials containing certain epoxy substances
  • Food contact materials with coatings or varnishes made with BPA
  • Active or intelligent food contact materials
  • Regenerated cellulose film

A DoC must contain the information laid down in legislation and must permit an easy identification of the materials, articles or products for which it is issued.

If you import any of these food contact materials into the EU, you are responsible for the issuing of a DoC for them.