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Objectives of HACCP procedures in slaughterhouses

FBOs operating slaughterhouses must ensure that the procedures that they have put in place in accordance with the general requirements of Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 meet the requirements that the hazard analysis shows to be necessary and the specific requirements listed below:

The procedures must guarantee that each animal or, where appropriate, each lot of animals accepted onto the slaughterhouse establishment:

  • is properly identified;
  • is accompanied by the relevant information from the holding of provenance referred to in Section III (Food Chain Information) Annex II of Regulation (EC) 853/2004
  • does not come from a holding or an area subject to a movement prohibition or other restriction for reasons of animal or public health, except when the competent authority so permits
  • is clean;
  • is healthy, as far as the food business operator can judge; and
  • is in a satisfactory state as regards welfare on arrival at the slaughterhouse.

In the event of failure to comply with any of the requirements listed above , The FBO must notify the official veterinarian and take appropriate measures